This website uses cookies

Air For Life uses cookies to personalise our web content to provide you with full details of our products and to enhance our service to provide the best possible service when visiting our website. Continued use of this website shall be taken as providing necessary consent to the use of cookies.

We use cookies to:

  • Ensure that our website works as required
  • Improve the quality of our website from time to time
  • To provide increased security when making payments and providing personal information

 We do not use cookies to:

  • Collect any personally identifiable information (without your express permission)
  • Pass data to advertising networks or to any social media networks

 Permission to use cookies

Your continued use of this website shall be taken as your consent and acceptance of Air For Life cookie policy. If you do not wish to accept use of cookies then you should change your browser cookie settings or disable their use. Please be aware that in doing so this site may not operate fully.

Our cookies

We only collect personal information supplied by you and with your permission to enhance website services provided as below. Any such personal information is stored and held securely.

Data Analytics  

We also use Google Analytics to measure how often our site is used by visitors and to generate reports for internal use only. Google Analytics does not collect or store any personal information or data about you. 

Managing cookie settings

You can manage browser cookies and set cookie preferences in your browser settings